1A Boldero Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BS
Adult Free Practice - RULES
Academy of Movement: Adult Free Practice Session Rules
Participation in the warm-up and cool-down is required for all attendees.
Wear appropriate attire for your activity, ensuring long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed.
Use equipment one at a time unless permission is given for partner work.
Maintain respect—no offensive or inappropriate behaviour.
Wait your turn for equipment like the AirTrack and DMT.
Barefoot or grippy socks only—no shoes allowed during practice.
Water only inside—no other drinks or food allowed.
Unsafe actions will not be tolerated; repeated violations may lead to removal from the session.
Respect others' space—allow them to focus on their practice without distractions.
Encourage and support your peers—create a positive and motivating environment.
Focus on practising at your current skill level—work within the boundaries of what you've learned in coached sessions.
Ensure all mats and equipment are properly put away after the session—everyone is responsible for cleaning up.